The increasing penetration of inverter-based resources and HVDC interconnections have created dynamic interactions, oscillations, and low inertia related stability issues. National Grid ESO’s HND project will introduce more and more DC links leading to a meshed AC-DC grid in near future.
The Electricity System Operator has requested that the National HVDC Centre model the offshore HND networks. This would be done using real-time EMT simulation. Where possible it would explore the use of “software in the loop” co-simulation of the real vendor code of power electronic devices.
The model will interface with the onshore AC system to understand the practical considerations of delivering integrated offshore DC and AC systems. The operation and performance requirements necessary to meet the security and quality of supply needed onshore whilst respecting the needs of the existing Grid Code will be investigated. This work would then seek to identify relevant areas of technical code clarification/ addition that support these future networks.