ANALYSIS & SUPPORT: Performance Analysis of Energy Islands with Multiple Interconnections
In this project, the HVDC Centre has been commissioned by National Grid Ventures to investigate various operational and commissioning scenarios for a future possible Energy Island, aiming to identify essential considerations and specifications.
CLIENT: National Grid Ventures
ANALYSIS & SUPPORT: SSEN-T System Performance Support
The HVDC Centre is working with SSEN Transmission’s System Performance team to undertake several inter-related activities in support of SSEN-T network development. The main goals of the work are to develop real-time AC system models of the GB network regions of interest to support the numerous upcoming HVDC projects connecting in the north of Scotland and to other parts of GB.
CLIENT: SSEN Transmission
ANALYSIS & SUPPORT: Support for the Shetland Extension of the Caithness-Moray HVDC Link
The National HVDC Centre is playing a pivotal role in the de-risking of what will both be the first multi-terminal VSC-HVDC connection in Europe, and an excellent insight into the design of future multi-terminal offshore connections and Multi-Purpose interconnection going forward.
CLIENT: SSEN Transmission
ANALYSIS & SUPPORT: ESO offshore network operation, performance, and technical code impact
The increasing penetration of inverter-based resources and HVDC interconnections have created dynamic interactions, oscillations, and low inertia related stability issues. National Grid ESO’s HND project will introduce more and more DC links leading to a meshed AC-DC grid in near future.
The Electricity System Operator has requested that the National HVDC Centre model the offshore HND networks.
CLIENT: National Energy System Operator (NESO)
Completed on June 2024
ANALYSIS & SUPPORT: Offshore Wind HVDC Interaction Studies:
The National HVDC Centre conducted a study to explore possible control system interaction risks between multiple HVDC converter stations. The studies used the PSCAD software to build suitable models of the network area of interest with the new HVDC converter stations and conduct a range of studies to assess interaction risks.
CLIENT: Wind Farm Developers
Completed on November 2023
ANALYSIS & SUPPORT: Multi-purpose interconnectors
In this project, the Centre was commissioned to explore a range of operational and commissioning scenarios relating to multi-purpose interconnectors to identify key considerations and areas of relevant specification.
CLIENT: National Grid Ventures
Completed on September 2023
ANALYSIS & SUPPORT: East Coast Interaction Study
The National HVDC Centre performed a wide interaction study in the coast of Yorkshire, where many power electronic resources (both existing and planned) are expected to arise; these include a range of offshore, potentially coordinated HVDC connections. The purpose of this study was to assess the impact of different technology options for offshore wind farm connection on potential network interaction, and to determine what the nature of the types of interactions across projects in this area of the network might be.
CLIENT: Wind Farm Developer
Completed on July 2023
ANALYSIS & SUPPORT: HVDC-Connected Offshore Wind Farms
This project investigated the risks associated with the integration of, and interaction of HVDC connected Offshore Wind Farms (OWFs). The project identified the key contributing factors of controller interactions and their associated risks with focus on HVDC connected OWFs power system infrastructures.
CLIENT: The Carbon Trust
Completed on January 2023
The National HVDC Centre provided technical supporting to the Eastern link project team work going the development of the designs for connection schemes.
CLIENT: SSEN Transmission
Completed on August 2022
ANALYSIS & SUPPORT: Coordinated Offshore Functional Designs
The aim of this project was to provide an environment to support the ESO, manufacturers, developers and transmission owners develop and test coordinated solutions for offshore wind.
Completed on December 2020
ANALYSIS & SUPPORT: Offshore Coordination
Provision of expert advice on co-ordination across multiple connectors to ensure efficiency when connecting 83-88GW network connected wind together with 27GW interconnectors.
CLIENT: National Grid ESO
Completed on January 2020
ANALYSIS & SUPPORT: North Sea Link Protection Coordination Testing:
The HVDC Centre supported the protection co-ordination testing for the new HVDC North Sea Link interconnector to ensure the security and resilience of the GB electricity network.
Completed on February 2020
ANALYSIS & SUPPORT: ESO Stability Pathfinder
The National HVDC Centre investigated the impact of declining system strength on the stability of HVDC links
CLIENT: National Grid ESO
Completed on December 2019
ANALYSIS & SUPPORT: Maximising HVDC for Black Start
The HVDC Centre technical experts, in collaboration with specialists from SHE Transmission, Scottish Power, National Grid and the Scottish Government, carried out an in-depth study on Black Start.
CLIENT: Scottish Government