BLADE (Black Start Demonstration from Offshore Wind) is an innovation project funded by OFGEM’s Strategic Innovation Fund (SIF).

The overarching aim of the Black Start Demonstrator (SIF BLADE) project is to bring black start and electricity system restoration from offshore wind to commercial reality by building the necessary cross-industry understanding. The aim is to do so by demonstrating the potential of state-of-the-art offshore wind turbines to provide black start services.

The first phase of the Project (Discovery) will develop a comprehensive understanding of the problem and the current best practice from across the world. The National HVDC Centre will be responsible for a specific deliverable on identifying the key risks, opportunities and options available for black start of coordinated offshore networks.

The project consortium consists of SP Energy Networks Transmission (as lead applicant), SSE Networks Transmission, The National HVDC Centre, The Carbon Trust and University of Strathclyde.

Press release introducing the project is available here:

SIF Funding – SP Energy Networks