Public Library

Public Library

Documents related to the HVDC Centre are available here to download and read. If you would like to post a comment on any of the published documents, or for more information, please use the contact us page.

[nonmember]If you are an HVDC Operator, you can request access to the Operators’ library, which contains a host of useful resources.

To request access, first <a href=””>register</a> to create an account, then <a title=”Contact Us” href=””>send us a message via our online contact form</a> including your name, your organisation and the same email address you used when you registered so we can identify your account.

Existing operators: <a href=””>click here to log in</a>.[/nonmember]

[member]Welcome to the Operators’ Library.  Private documents related to the HVDC Centre are available here to download and read here.

(Add links to publicly-available files here)
